{nasal cavity}{}{Space within nose.} {negative feedback system}{}{Mechanism activated by an imbalance that corrects the imbalance.} {nephron}{}{Functional unit of kidney, consisting of a renal corpuscle and a renal tubule.} {nerve}{}{Bundle of nerve fibers.} {nervous tissue}{}{Neurons and neuroglia.} {neural plate}{}{Group of embryonic cells that will become the neural tube.} {neural tube}{}{Forms the dorsal hollow nervous system characteristic of chordates.} {neuroglia}{}{Cells in the nervous system other than the neurons; includes astrocytes, ependymal cells, microglia, oligodendrocytes, satellite cells, and Schwann cells.} {neurohypophysis}{}{Portion of the hypophysis derived from the brain; commonly called the posterior pituitary. Major secretions include antidiuretic hormone and oxytocin.} {neuromodulator}{}{Substance that influences the sensitivity of neurons to neurotransmitters but neither strongly stimulates nor strongly inhibits neurons by itself.} {neuromuscular junction}{}{Specialized synapse between a motor neuron and a muscle fiber.} {neuron}{}{Morphologic and functional unit of the nervous system, consisting of the nerve cell body, the dendrites, and the axon.} {neurotransmitter}{}{Any specific chemical agent released by a presynaptic cell on excitation that crosses the synaptic cleft and stimulates or inhibits the postsynaptic cell.} {neurulation}{}{The formation of the neural tube from neural plate cells.} {neutron}{}{Electrically neutral particle in the nuclei of atoms [except hydrogen].} {nose}{}{Anterior-most portion of the respiratory system; is the site of olfaction.} {notochord}{}{Flexible rodlike structure characteristic of chordates; is used for stability.} {nuclear envelope}{}{Double membrane structure surrounding and enclosing the nucleus.} {nucleic acid}{}{Polymer of nucleotides, consisting of DNA and RNA; forms a family of substances that comprise the genetic material of cells and control protein synthesis.} {nucleolus [nucleoli]}{}{Somewhat rounded, dense, well-defined nuclear body with no surrounding membrane; contains ribosomal RNA and protein.} {nucleotide}{}{Basic building block of nucleic acids consisting of a sugar [either ribose or deoxyribose] and one of several types of organic bases.} {nucleus [nuclei]}{}{Cell organelle containing most of the genetic material of the cell; collection of nerve cell bodies within the central nervous system; center of an atom consisting of protons and neutrons.}